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- About Dr.Ben !!
Introduction : A
- Pins are not on Sale or to be Sold -
My Collection of Souvenir Pins :
China Souvenir Pins Collection :
This page was last updated: May 21, 2006
To DrBen.Net Web-Ring
My personal collection. A variety of Collectors Pins found and collected with quite some effort on trips around the huge country of China. Cities visited and searched for Pins of Heritage and Historic Sites so far - Beijing (Hebei) , Chengde (Hebei), Datong (Shanxi), Hong Kong (HK SAR), LuoYang (Henan), XiÁn (Shaanxi). As pins of the historic sites are becoming almost extinct as souvenirs, I am perticularly happy with- and proud of my Pin souvenirs. They may not have huge monetary value, but for me they are treasures.
United States of America Pins Collection :
Vintage Art posters and prints
Vintage Art posters and prints
Gift Souvenir Pin Thailand. Inscription None. Origin- Bangkok Wooden Palace 2005.
The collection of other countries Pins is much larger than depicted here.
Thailand Pins Collection :
You will find of some of my Pins collected in the United States of America her soon. Origin - 1978-1988.
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